Document Management Vendor

Document Management Vendor

January 16, 2018
Mari Laatre,

A document management vendor is a company that sells a product that manages documents and often sells space for managing documents as well. Folderit is a cloud-based document management company that also acts as the document management vendor.

Document manager job description

Document Manager Job Description

January 12, 2018

A good document manager description is a person who designs and tracks the behavior and performance of documents in your business operations. No matter how large or how small your business is, document management is an essential part of it.

Document management researchers

Document Management System for Researchers

January 7, 2018
Mari Laatre,

Research is one of those things that can happen at many levels. It can range from student efforts – from Kindergarten through doctoral thesis – or it can encompass the basement lab, around the world collaboration among amateurs, or company sponsored work at the commercial/professional level.

Document Management for Utilities

Document Management for Utilities

January 5, 2018
Mari Laatre,

While document management is a well-known business application, the average citizen might not commonly consider document management for utilities. Utility companies store and need access to a broad array of information ranging from individual usage and billing to geographic and property ownership information.

Document Management System for Retail

Document Management System for Retail

January 3, 2018

Folderit is an amazing document management system for retail. While it might seem as if a retail business shouldn’t have that many documents to manage, it really does have quite an array of paperwork – ranging from receipts for sales and purchases, right on up through payroll and building management.

document management system software healthcare

Document Management System for Healthcare

December 26, 2017
Donna Tallman,

Nowhere is the need for accurate, confidential, secure information storage more necessary than in healthcare. Folderit is an ideal document management system for healthcare, where needs include confidentiality, accessibility, flexibility, and sometimes immediate access.

Document Management for Real Estate

Document Management for Real Estate

December 23, 2017

Why is document management for real estate an important aponsideration for realtors? One of the most common sights in most real estate firms is endless piles of paperwork from legal forms, contracts, disclosures, agreements, property brochures, and so much more.

Document management for logistics

Document Management for Logistics

December 14, 2017
Donna Tallman,

Folderit is the perfect storage and collaboration solution for your document management for logistics. A truer sentence than this has never been written, but you should not be expected to take it at face value. At the very least, it demands an explanation of terms, as well as some corroborating evidence of its veracity.

Paperless Office Tips and Benefits

Paperless Office Tips and Benefits

December 8, 2017

Filing cabinets, stacks of paper, ledger books, and boxes of receipts were once standard in any office. Inevitably, the paper wanted would be at the bottom of a stack of papers that had not yet been filed, wedged inside a ledger book, or disastrously misfiled.

Document Management for Schools

Document Management for Schools

December 5, 2017

Document management for schools or otherwise, is the creation, control, and conservation of pieces of information. Schools tend to develop an amazing array of documents, ranging from student papers and records of grades, attendance and behavior up through overall curriculum alignment and financial management.