File Archiving Software

File Archiving Software

File archiving software is a digital repository management tool that lets you create and manage digital documents. Companies need file archiving software that offers security, ease-of-use, and reliability.

Folderit is built to ensure that your company’s digital documents are accessible virtually anywhere. Being that Folderit is a ubiquitous web-based solution, it is universally accessible by any web-enabled device; your data is available everywhere in its entirety. 

File archiving businesses need a solution that frees them from worrying about which user has the latest version of which document, manually keeping local backups, enforcing user permissions, security policy concerns, team management, remote access, etc. as that adds needless complexity to the operation. Folderit lets you bypass all those worries by taking your solution on a hyper-secure cloud built on top of Amazon Web Services infrastructure.

To learn about how the cloud works for you, please check out our blog entry here.

File Archiving Software Security

Folderit appreciates just how critical data security is for any business, especially in File Archiving concerns. This issue is addressed with Folderit’s use of military-grade 256-bit encryption for stored data. On top of that, all connections to any network, internal or public are made using SSL Encryption. Folderit also monitors all login attempts to the system. Folderit is also officially an Amazon AWS Select Technology partner.

Folderit uses Amazon’s S3 service that offers 99.999999999% durability of objects over a given year. All content is backed up thrice in separate zones. Folderit also takes daily snapshots and transaction logs. It is basically backed up in real-time. 

Folderit also supports your security procedures by enforcing your team members to adhere to your prescribed password policies, this includes password complexity and password reset time. 

All of these measures ensure that any unauthorized access is kept lightyears away from your  data in Folderit file archiving software. Suffice to say, your data is in safe hands. 

Better than Local Backups

It can be tempting to invest in a series of local storage options, like removable media (DVD/CDs), Portable Hard Drives, USB Thumb Drives, etc. This approach is not ideal for companies that handle large volumes of data, especially if digital documents are live and require regular updates. 

When (not if) your media fails, your data will almost certainly be completely lost. This also exposes you to security risks, as physical media can be damaged, lost, or even stolen. 

Folderit was built with an appreciation for data integrity. For large volumes of data, keeping multiple backups becomes prohibitively expensive. However, Folderit’s cloud storage ensures that your content is split over multiple servers, backed up in triplicate in case of any hazards.

If your business absolutely needs to operate locally, Folderit lets you download a copy of your entire file archive, or parts of it to work on. Folderit also offers an on-premise solution, available as Docker containers. You get the complete Folderit experience any way you choose.

Ample Storage

You can upload any file to Folderit, regardless of format. Folderit accommodates a single file sized up to 50GB, this is ample storage even for RAW 8K video. The upload procedure could not be simpler, just drag the content over to your Folderit window and drop it, Folderit handles the rest. You can upload a single file or complete folders in one go. 

No Version Conflicts

Folderit has a version management infrastructure that lets you maintain several versions of the same file with unified metadata. If at any time, something goes wrong, the system lets you restore from any other version and you are back up and running in no time. 

Access Control

Folderit file archiving software allows you complete control over who has how much access to your data. You can exercise this control by implementing user-groups and permissions. This allows you to identify for entire groups or individual users just how much access to your company’s data they get and for how long. Additionally, Folderit has implemented an audit trail. This lets you view which user had what form of interaction with which folder/file. If you believe a mistake has been made, Folderit lets you identify the access chain and restore it to an older version.

Try Folderit for secure long term file archiving for free now! Register here!