Investing in a Document Management System (DMS) is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your organization’s efficiency, productivity, and bottom line. One of the key factors to consider when investing in a DMS is the Return on Investment (ROI). This article will guide you on how to evaluate the ROI of your DMS investment using Folderit’s pricing as our benchmark.

Understanding Document Management Systems

A Document Management System (DMS) is a software solution that allows organizations to capture, store, manage, track, and share electronic documents and files. A DMS provides a centralized location for all business-critical documents, which can be accessed and managed easily from any location. It enables organizations to automate document workflows, enforce compliance, and reduce manual errors.

Folderit offers a robust and intuitive DMS that aligns with these functionalities. It provides features such as document approval workflows, custom metadata fields, versioning, and reminders, among others.

Measuring the ROI of a Document Management System

The ROI of a DMS can be measured by calculating the financial benefits that the system delivers, divided by the initial investment. Here are some of the key metrics that can be used to calculate the ROI of a DMS:

Calculating the ROI of Your Document Management System

Let’s take Folderit’s Medium plan as an example, which costs $81 per month. Assuming the total cost of implementing the system is $972 for a year (12 months * $81), and the system results in a time savings of 5 hours per week for each of the 10 users who use the system, and that each employee’s hourly rate is $50. This results in a weekly cost savings of $2,500, or $130,000 per year. The ROI would then be calculated as follows: ROI = ($130,000 – $972) / $972 ROI = $132. This means that for every dollar invested in the Folderit document management system, the company can expect to see a return of $132.

The Math in Detail for Nerds Who Care

Total Cost Savings Per Year Calculated:

The total cost savings per year is calculated based on the time saved by using the Folderit system and the hourly rate of the employees.

In the example provided:

ROI Calculated:

The return on investment (ROI) is calculated as follows:

ROI = (Net Profit / Cost of Investment) * 100

In this case:

So the calculation becomes:

ROI = (($130,000 – $972) / $972) * 100 = 132.79%

This means that for every dollar invested in the Folderit document management system, the company can expect to see a return of $1.33 (rounded to the nearest cent).

The Cost of Transition to a Cloud-Based DMS

When transitioning from an on-premise or physical document management system to a cloud-based DMS like Folderit, there are several cost factors to consider. These include:

Let’s assume that the annual cost of physical document management or on-premise DMS is $50,000, and the company can reduce these costs by 50% by transitioning to Folderit. The net income (cost savings) would be $25,000 per year.

Using the ROI formula:

ROI = (Net Income / Cost of Investment) x 100

ROI = ($25,000 / $972) x 100

ROI = 2572.02%

This means that for every dollar invested in the Folderit document management system, the company can expect to see a return of $25.72. This demonstrates the significant ROI potential of transitioning from a physical or on-premise document management system to a cloud-based DMS like Folderit.

The Strategic Advantage of Folderit’s Document Management System

Folderit’s DMS is not just a tool; it’s a strategic asset that can transform your organization’s document management processes. With its robust features and user-friendly interface, Folderit makes document management a breeze. Its advanced search functionality, powered by Optical Character Recognition (OCR), makes finding documents quick and easy. The system’s ability to handle multiple file versions ensures that you always have access to the entire history of a document, enhancing accountability and transparency. Moreover, Folderit’s dedicated email address for every account role allows for easy document saving on the go. The system also offers secure document storage, ensuring that your data is encrypted and safely stored in the cloud. With Folderit, you’re not just investing in a DMS; you’re investing in the future of your organization.

Choose the Right DMS for Maximum ROI

Measuring the ROI of a document management system is critical for any organization seeking to improve its operational efficiency and reduce costs. By implementing an effective DMS like Folderit, companies can streamline their processes, increase productivity, and reduce errors and compliance risks. The tangible ROI, as demonstrated in the example above, shows the significant financial benefits that can be achieved with a strategic investment in a DMS.

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