HR Document Management System Software

HR Document Management System Software

Human Resources can be classified as one of the most critical management processes as companies are forged out of the people that work for it. HR managers need powerful tools to support this monumental responsibility. Here is how Folderit can be an effective HR Document Management System Software for supporting HR processes.

Online Personnel Pepository

Folderit’s bank-level secured, cloud-based document management system can serve as an online repository for holding staff profiles in layered folders with cascading levels of access for everyone within the company hierarchy. Folderit’s document management system enables HR managers to set folder and file-level permissions to ensure that anyone’s personal information is not openly accessible. HR managers can also include staff credentials, appraisals and performance evaluations, career development plans, supervision records sorted by individual folders or department categories, or whatever else your HR documentation needs might be.


The recruitment process, especially for technical jobs, requires a series of interviews and calls. Just having a series of documents floating in between mailboxes can increase the risk of losing out a worthy candidate. Folderit can help an HR Manager catalogue all processed job applications onto a single location by putting each applicant into a dedicated folder with all the associated documentation. This creates an opportunity for relevant department heads/managers to refer to potential applicants through a simple folder structure. Folderit can help index a catalog of candidates who applied for a position with your organisation that can further be categorized through custom unified metadata to search through individuals rejected, longlisted and shortlisted in line with SOPs and even company/state employment policies.

Simplify HR Documentation

Folderit helps take the tedium out of crucial tasks, like preparing a memo and updating minutes of meetings by eliminating email chains and avoiding potential version conflicts. HR Managers can set up and share content with exclusive permissions to relevant stakeholders. Said stakeholders can set up notifications to be updated as frequently as they want. 

Folderit gives the added advantage of document modification without creating any conflicting versions, as the human resources’ document management software can let you control file versions.

Processing HR Approvals

Processing holidays can involve approvals from immediate managers all the way to department heads. Keeping track of approvals can present a logistics challenge if there are multiple stakeholders involved. However, Folderit creates the opportunity to create an approval system where the relevant users can send their approval either following an hierarchy or all at the same time, turning it into a simple matter of clicking on the right button.

Folderit’s HR document management system also helps accelerate inter-office memos and announcements through the same mechanism. HR managers can speed up the time taken to approve tasks, add comments, review documents, etc. 

Task Management

Folderit, with varying access levels and document approval framework, creates a task management environment where infrastructure can be established with a clear division of deliverables and labor. The audit-trails allow managers to supervise if the relevant documents are with the right people and if they are facing any issues with access. This can be monitored through custom on-access notifications.

Conflict Resolution

A large part of HR Management is interoffice conflict resolution. Types of common conflicts involve task accountability, miscommunication, or interpersonal conflicts. HR Managers can safely log all these complaints in a folder and grant relevant managers the authorization to pertinent information for further action. The HR document management system also allows HR managers to use audit trails, version histories, and any notification settings to assess any lapse in the document supply-chain. Any complaints or similarly sensitive documents can be filed with the certainty that that content will be stored safely and exclusively. 

HR Document Archiving

Archiving/Retention of data in a secure environment is of utmost importance to any organization. On top of the complex 256-bit encryption, all transfer is done via SSL, so there is no risk of unauthorized access to your data. This is critical for companies where data retention and audit compliance is a legal requirement. HR Managers can also predefine which document stays live for how long.

Folderit’s HR document management system gives you the freedom to operate from a single platform that, due to its versatile storage capabilities, accepts files created on any platform for you to access wherever and whenever you may need. There is no substitute for the human touch in human resources, but you can trust Folderit to handle everything else.