Monthly Archives: March 2018

5 Essential Tips for Your Small Business Accounting

5 Essential Tips for Your Small Business Accounting

March 31, 2018

There’s a saying among business people that the job isn’t done until the paperwork is finished, but this is a step that’s too often neglected. From a corner lemonade stand to a thriving retail shop, from a lawn mowing to contracting, keeping good records is an essential part of any business.

Document Management System with OCR

Document Management System with OCR

March 26, 2018

Folderit document management system has added a new utility: OCR. OCR stands for optical character recognition and is a key part of converting pages of scanned text to documents that computers can read.

Top 5 Skills to Become a Better Office Manager

Top 5 Skills to Become a Better Office Manager

March 18, 2018

Office manager can be a catch-all title that has you answering phones, handing out assignments, checking on projects and coping personality conflicts. Some days, you might think you are herding cats through a blazing building.

optimize business for mobile

8 Ways to Optimize Your Small Business for a Mobile World

March 15, 2018
Mari Laatre,

A large number of small businesses do not have a mobile app or mobile friendly websites. The vast majority of those that have, their mobile platforms are not optimized. Today, every entrepreneur has to understand that businesses, including the small businesses, should have mobile consciousness at its core.

Scanned Document Organizer

Scanned Document Organizer

March 11, 2018
Donna Tallman,

Let me share a few thoughts about a scanned document organizer. Even in this digital age, not all business records can begin in electronic format. Invoices, lists, documents, blueprints and more might begin their life as paper copies. Over time, all that paper adds up. It requires filing cabinets or similar storage – or does […]