Smart Documents Solutions
Smart Documents Solutions

Documents produced and handled by smart people deserve a smart solution for their management. Luckily, smart documents solutions are readily available and make business life not only easier but safer as well! Folderit document management solution is the smart choice that helps your document workflow in many ways.
Smart document storage solution
The first thing after creation of the document is the need sto store and preserve it. For that, Folderit DMS provides the following:
- Secure storage with encryption and automated server-side backups
- Access control that allows switching on individual and group access, and a public link for chosen documents
- Optional expiry date for any sharing — smart way to automatically cut off access to a document after a certain date and time
Smart document approval solution
If your document happens to be an invoice or other document that needs approval, Folderit has you covered. Its smart approval workflow allows parallel and serial mode of approving and you will have a clear and simple overview of who has approved or rejected the document while you can also see their comments!
Smart document retrieval solution
A stored document is worth nothing if you can’t find it when you need to. Folderit provides as-you-type search results and also an advanced deep search from document content (with OCR tech), metadata and other parameters. You will always find your documents with Folderit DMS smart solutions!
Smart document retention
The document life cycle from its creation to deletion needs to be managed reliably. If you need some documents be permanently deleted after they reach a certain age, you can automate that smartly in Folderit document management system software. Just pick how many years, months, weeks or days (or their combination) you want the documents to be stored before automated deletion and you’re done! No worries of keeping some documents you want or are required to delete, a day longer than you need to.
In additional to those smart document solutions that Folderit provides, there’s more smarts:
- Audit log to record every action of any of your users in Folderit
- Automated reminders
- File previews in-system
- Email Inbox
- Custom password policies
- File versioning
- File linking
There you are — the wise solution for managing documents. And it’s super easy to make sure it’s right for you — take advantage of our 30-day free trial right here: