Cloud storage for Small Businesses

Cloud services provide an effective, convenient, and safer method of storing digital data, especially for small businesses. 

While most SMEs typically depend on their in-house servers to store their constantly growing number of files, documents, and folders, a majority of small businesses are now realizing the benefits of transferring their data storage needs to the cloud.

Folderit cloud document management system software for SMBs provides small businesses with a host of benefits including access to data from different locations, secure data management practices, convenience, increased productivity thanks to a faster and more efficient collaboration between different teams, and ultimately reduced costs of operations. 

Here are a few ways your business can significantly benefit from Folderit cloud data storage:

  1. Greater Flexibility and Automation

As a growing business, you need a flexible data storage solution that meets the growing demands of your business. Folderit cloud storage provides a flexible solution that grows and changes as your business grows and changes. 

Moreover, cloud storage for small business saves you from the high costs of investing in tools, technology, and expertise to maintain your file storage system regularly updated. All applications that use Folderit cloud update themselves automatically.

  1. Effective Remote Work Solutions

Cloud data storage allows members of a team and employees to collaborate more efficiently and work from anywhere with access to the Internet. 

This is one of the major benefits of cloud storage solutions. Your stuff or members of a collaborative team are no longer limited by geographical location when using an effective cloud data management system such as Folderit.

Cloud DMS software provides small and medium businesses with a practical tool for remote working. Employees working from different locations can remotely access, share, manage, and store digital documents in a safer and more efficient way.

  1. Secure Cloud Storage

Security has become one of the most important considerations when it comes to choosing the best cloud storage company. 

Fortunately, all data stored in Folderit cloud is normally triple backed up and encrypted with the highest levels of encryption for safety. The data is also transferred through a secure SSL layer.

  1. Easier and More Efficient Data Management

Folderit allows you or members of your team to use existing data with laid down permissions for easier accountability and more efficient management. 

Members of a team working on the same project can share documents, folders, sections or whole accounts based on permissions such as Previewer, Viewer, and Editor. 

As a team leader or employer, you can even audit the trail of each file or document and see every action taken on the data by each member of your team. 

  1. Powerful Search with OCR

Folderit comes with a powerful live-search function built into the cloud DMS. You can search and find documents easily via different filters such as file name, metadata such as keywords, and even the content of each file using the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology.

  1. Easier and Faster Workflow Approval

Folderit allows easier and faster approval of workflow. For instance, if you have an invoice or vacation approval document that needs to be approved by multiple members of your staff, all you need to do is just invite relevant people to approve the document and even add their comments remotely. 

No more waiting for days or weeks before you can round up your team to physically approve a simple invoice. 

  1. Access Documents On-the-Go via Mobile

One of the best things about Folderit cloud document management system is that it’s mobile friendly. 

You can conveniently access and work on documents and files stored in the Folderit cloud storage from your mobile device as well as on PC and Mac. All you need is an Internet connection to access, share, and manage files stored in the cloud. 

Other key benefits of Folderit cloud storage for small business and midsize businesses include the following:

Final Thoughts

Cloud file storage comes with numerous benefits for small businesses. Rather than storing files on-site, you can save money you’d have spent on hardware and other costs by using affordable cloud storage such as Folderit. 

Your staff will also have access to documents and other files regardless of their current geographical location. Cloud storage for small business is a great option even for non-technical owners of small businesses.