Document management systems (DMS) are essential for the transportation industry to streamline operations, reduce manual errors, increase efficiency and ensure compliance with regulations. The transportation industry deals with a large volume of documentation, including invoices, bills of lading, shipping manifests, permits, and more. A DMS helps to centralize and organize these documents, making them easily accessible and searchable.

Benefits of DMS To the Transportation Industry

Here are a few important benefits of document management software (DMS) and how it can help any Transport and Logistics business sector grow.

Time and money savings

Document capture and storage in a centralized, digitized, and secure repository guarantees that personnel can access relevant records from any location, at any time. The transport document management system eliminates paper mailing from one terminal to another, greatly decreases staff time spent on administrative chores, and lowers the costs associated with off-site and paper document storage.

Quicker Cash Collection

Delays in receiving documentation from drivers or transporting shipments to various places cause delays in billing clients and, as a result, further delays in collecting money.

The best transportation document management software (DMS) has workflow and business process management tools that can map out and automate these paper-intensive operations, allowing the finance team to speed up the invoicing process and collect money faster.

Enhancing Customer Service

When the customer service team is solely focused on resolving customer queries rather than searching for documents, organizing them, or making a copy in order to complete a transaction with clients, they are able to perform their core tasks in the transport document management system much more efficiently.

Improving Document Access and Security

The transportation and logistics industry handles sensitive customer/client information such as payroll records, driver medical tests, police reports, insurance documents, and so on. This information must be kept secure and accessible to the appropriate persons at the appropriate time. Folderit’s document management system’s fine-grained security ensures that this crucial criterion is addressed.

Manage Disaster Recovery and Risk Reduction

The storage of papers in vaults or rooms exposes them to the risk of fire or water destruction. This can render the documents unreadable or destroy them entirely. This is a danger that would be highlighted, particularly during an audit or information request. The risk is not just financial, but also to the company’s reputation. Storing papers in an electronic transport document management system reduces these hazards and enables their recovery in the event of a disaster.

Why Folderit is the best DMS for the Transportation Industry

Folderit is a DMS that is great for the transportation industry. It offers features like automated document capture, indexing, and categorization, making it easy to find the right documents quickly. Folderit also provides secure storage and access control, ensuring sensitive information is protected.

Benefits of Folderit in the Transportation Industry 

Here are the benefits of Folderit’s DMS for the transportation industry:

  1. Increased collaboration: Folderit allows multiple users to access, share and collaborate on documents, improving communication and collaboration across teams.
  2. Improved compliance: Folderit helps ensure compliance with transportation industry regulations by providing easy access to required documents and automatically tracking document retention policies.
  3. Reduced paper-based processes: Folderit eliminates the need for paper-based document processes, reducing waste and increasing efficiency.
  4. Improved customer service: With Folderit, transportation companies can quickly access and share important documents with customers, improving the overall customer experience.
  5. Better data tracking and analysis: Folderit provides valuable insights and analytics, allowing transportation companies to track document usage and make informed decisions.
  6. Increased data security: Folderit uses advanced security measures to protect sensitive data, ensuring that sensitive information is protected against unauthorized access.
  7. Automated workflows: Folderit automates document-based workflows, reducing manual errors and freeing up staff time for more important tasks.
  8. Mobile access capabilities: Drivers, dispatchers, and other employees can access documents from their mobile devices while on the road, increasing efficiency and allowing for real-time decision-making.
  9. Scalability and customizability: Folderit is fully customizable and scalable, allowing transportation companies to adapt the system to their unique needs and grow as their operations grow.

A DMS is crucial for the transportation industry to remain competitive and efficient. Folderit provides a robust and customized solution, making it the best DMS for the transportation industry.


In conclusion, Folderit offers a comprehensive solution for the transportation industry, improving efficiency, reducing manual errors, increasing compliance, and providing valuable insights and analytics. With its advanced features and customizable options, Folderit is the ideal document management system for transportation companies looking to streamline their operations.

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