Posts from: Kent

Internet Document Management

May 19, 2018

Internet document management provides a way for entrepreneurs, writers, scientists and others to communicate and collaborate. Thanks to encryption and similarly advanced techniques, documents can be stored with excellent security.

Organized Desk Office

7 Life Hacks to Make Your Day at the Office Better

April 21, 2018

We’ve all been there – the day that home is a mess (emotional or physical), or the sun is shining outside inviting you to call in sick and take an unauthorized mental health day. Beyond doubt, you’ve also had the days when the day you had yesterday makes you want to run and hide instead […]

General Data Protection Regulation

GDPR: Challenges Companies Have to Solve before May 25, 2018 (and Staying in Compliance After)

April 15, 2018

The EU General Data Protection Regulation, passed in 2017, is set to go into full effect on May 25th, 2018. Among other considerations, the GDPR grants the right to be “forgotten” on the Internet. It goes much farther than that, however, in efforts to protect personal privacy and sensitive identifying information.

Office Manager Evolution

How the Office Manager Has Evolved Over Time

April 8, 2018

There was a time when professionals who handled all administrative and support duties in a business or organization were simply known as secretaries. A majority of secretaries including the most experienced were exempted from leadership roles. A lot has changed since then. 

5 Essential Tips for Your Small Business Accounting

5 Essential Tips for Your Small Business Accounting

March 31, 2018

There’s a saying among business people that the job isn’t done until the paperwork is finished, but this is a step that’s too often neglected. From a corner lemonade stand to a thriving retail shop, from a lawn mowing to contracting, keeping good records is an essential part of any business.

Document Management System with OCR

Document Management System with OCR

March 26, 2018

Folderit document management system has added a new utility: OCR. OCR stands for optical character recognition and is a key part of converting pages of scanned text to documents that computers can read.

Top 5 Skills to Become a Better Office Manager

Top 5 Skills to Become a Better Office Manager

March 18, 2018

Office manager can be a catch-all title that has you answering phones, handing out assignments, checking on projects and coping personality conflicts. Some days, you might think you are herding cats through a blazing building.

Choosing Business Software Folderit

6 Things to Keep in Mind
When Choosing Business Software

February 3, 2018

There are three key questions to ask when choosing software: Will it save me money? Will it make my job easier? Will it be cost-effective in the long term? To determine the answer to these questions, you might ask yourself why it is that you are considering the software.

Document Management Pharmaceutical

Document Management for Pharmaceutical

January 21, 2018

Nowhere will you find a more essential function than document management for pharmaceutical. Whether the focus is on research and development of new medicines, pharmaceuticals for hospitals or medicines dispensed from your local family pharmacy, staying on top of the various supplies, compounds and items dispensed is essential.

Document manager job description

Document Manager Job Description

January 12, 2018

A good document manager description is a person who designs and tracks the behavior and performance of documents in your business operations. No matter how large or how small your business is, document management is an essential part of it.