Kuidas saame aidata?

Active Directory / Entra ID seadistamine

Folderit dokumendihaldussüsteemis on olemas Entra ID (varasema nimega Azure Active Directory, ehk AD) integratsioon kasutajate hõlpsaks haldamiseks ja ühekordseks sisselogimiseks (SSO) organisatsioonidele, kus tsentraalne õiguste haldus kasutusel on.

Järgmised seadistusdetailid on mõeldud mõistmiseks ja kasutamiseks IT-spetsialistidele. Kui vajate meiepoolset tehnilist abi, võtke meiega ühendust.
AD-integratsioon on saadaval ainult Tailor paketis.

Azure Active Directory seadistus:

Link Azure:
Store base url and token

Azure -> Enterprise applications -> New application -> Create your own application
Name: Folderit or your own preference
Type: Non-gallery

Assign users and/or groups for provisioning
Configure Provisioning
Provisioning mode: Automatic
Tenant url: previously stored base url
Secret token: previously stored token
Test connection and save

Adjust mappings:
Keep only the following customappsso attributes, delete the others:
Edit userName:
Matching precedence: 2
Edit externalId:
Source attribute: objectId
Match objects using ths attribute: Yes
Matching precedence: 1
Edit userName:
Match objects using ths attribute: No
Show advanced options -> Edit attribute list for customappsso
Set externalId as required
Edit displayName:
Matching precedence: 2
Edit externalId:
Source attribute: objectId
Match objects using ths attribute: Yes
Matching precedence: 1
Edit displayName:
Match objects using ths attribute: No
Show advanced options -> Edit attribute list for customappsso
Set externalId as required
Save Provisioning
Start provisioning

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