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on muutnud klientide elu paremaks
Kai Jõers / Vanemlaborispetsialist
Me otsisime meditsiinilaborisse sobivat võimalikult lihtsat, kuid samas kõiki ISO15189 nõudeid arvestavat dokumendihaldussüsteemi ning leidsime Folderiti. Folderit võimaldab ka üles ehitada mugavalt organisatsiooni vajadusi arvestava dokumendihaldussüsteemi nii, et kõikidel töötajatel on lihtne seda kasutada ilma, et tekiks hirmu uue süsteemi ees.
Samuti on Folderit meeskond kuulanud ka meie tagasisidet kasutajapoolse mugavuse ja vajaduste sisseviimisel ning need ka juurutanud. Samuti on meid aidatud probleemsituatsioonides, mis on siis tingitud kas meie oskamatusest või siis muudest teguritest. Oleme alati tundnud Folderit meeskonna poolt tuge.
Kuna meie jaoks on andmete kaitse ülima tähtusega, siis oleme veendunud, et Folderit süsteem tagab meie nõuded turvalisusele ning privaatsusele.
Matt Cannon / Chief Executive
We’re enjoying discovering the capabilities of Folderit and how it will help streamline our document management across our teams.
Eve Põldsaar / Personalijuht
Folderitis on lihtne ja mugav igapäevaseid dokumenditoimetusi korraldada. Samuti on tugi- ja arendusmeeskonnad alati olemas ja operatiivselt toetamas.
Priit Kongo / Tegevjuht
Folderit DHS on olnud meie dokumendihalduse vajaduste jaoks tõeline mängumuutja. Platvorm on uskumatult intuitiivne, muutes meie meeskonna jaoks lihtsaks failide turvalise salvestamise, korraldamise ja neile kõikjalt, kust tarvis juurdepääsu. Oleme oluliselt parandanud oma töövoogude tõhusust ja koostööd dokumentidega alates Folderiti kasutuselevõtust. Nende klienditugi on samuti tipptasemel, alati kiire reageerima ja abivalmis. Soovitan Folderitit väga kõigile ettevõtetele, kes otsivad usaldusväärset ja kasutajasõbralikku dokumendihalduslahendust.
Kai-Agathe Luht / Süsteemi- ja teabehalduse spetsialist
Folderit on muutnud igapäevase allkirjastamise protsessi väga lihtsaks ja mugavaks, ei pea faile alla ega üles laadima, kõik toimub ühes süsteemis. Folderitil on funktsioon, mis näitab läheneva säilitusaja lõppu ja läheneva aegumise tähtaega. Kaustade ja dokumentide jagamise võimalus on lihtne ja mugav. Folderit´i juures meeldib ka otsingu-süsteem, mis võimaldab märksõna järgi otsida nii metaandmetest kui ka sisust.
Folderit´i klienditugi on alati kättesaadav ja lahendustele orienteeritud.
Sjoerd Kingma / General Manager
We have been using Folderit for the past five years with complete satisfaction for storing documents related to our Quality Management System (QMS). Folderit is incredibly user-friendly, secure, and affordable, making our documents accessible anywhere, anytime.
The workflow management, including the automatic release of documents after review, has greatly streamlined our processes. The powerful search functionality with multilingual OCR ensures we can quickly locate any document, enhancing our efficiency.
Features like granular access control, seamless Office 365 integration, and comprehensive version control have significantly improved our document management. The ability to send documents for electronic signatures and set custom metadata has tailored the system to our needs perfectly.
Folderit’s support for subsidiaries and mobile access ensures we can manage documents for multiple branches effortlessly. The platform’s user-friendliness results in an orderly overview of documents, benefiting our clients and ultimately our patients.
We highly recommend Folderit for any organization looking to improve their document management processes.
The workflow management, including the automatic release of documents after review, has greatly streamlined our processes. The powerful search functionality with multilingual OCR ensures we can quickly locate any document, enhancing our efficiency.
Features like granular access control, seamless Office 365 integration, and comprehensive version control have significantly improved our document management. The ability to send documents for electronic signatures and set custom metadata has tailored the system to our needs perfectly.
Folderit’s support for subsidiaries and mobile access ensures we can manage documents for multiple branches effortlessly. The platform’s user-friendliness results in an orderly overview of documents, benefiting our clients and ultimately our patients.
We highly recommend Folderit for any organization looking to improve their document management processes.
Christian Corssen / General Manager
For us using Folderit was a game changer. We finally found a web based program where we could request approvals for our internal documents and at the same time have the required traceability, we now use it across all of our different areas (Accounting, Production, Quality, etc.) and for all types of documents. Never again did we have problems with people saying "I did not receive or see that document!". The possibility of receiving emails with the Approval or Acknowledgement option and to be able to preview the documents easily is very efficient and fast. It also was a must that being a Chilean based company we could configure the program to be in spanish. In summary it has been an excellent productivity and organizational tool for our company.
Wim Willegems / CEO
Before moving to Folderit we tried different DMS systems. Most of them were very expensive and complicated to use. Folderit is a breeze of fresh air: easy to set up and onboard users. We were up and running in no time. And the good thing is that it doesn't cost a fortune. Also, with Folderit being in the EU, we know that our data falls under EU legislation, making it GDPR and NIS2 compliant.
Support is very responsive and they really listen to their customers' feedback.
Paul Krieg / Director of Operations
Folderit DMS has been a game-changer for our accounts payable team. We started using it to organize our invoices and receipts, and it's made life so much easier. The metadata fields are super handy - we can tag everything with vendor names, dates, and amounts, which makes finding stuff later a breeze.
What I love most is how smart the search function is. Instead of digging through piles of papers or clicking through endless folders, I just type in what I'm looking for, and boom! Folderit pulls up a list of results, ranked by how well they match. It's saved us tons of time and headaches. Honestly, I don't know how we managed before. If you're drowning in paperwork, give Folderit a shot - you won't regret it!
What I love most is how smart the search function is. Instead of digging through piles of papers or clicking through endless folders, I just type in what I'm looking for, and boom! Folderit pulls up a list of results, ranked by how well they match. It's saved us tons of time and headaches. Honestly, I don't know how we managed before. If you're drowning in paperwork, give Folderit a shot - you won't regret it!